Product Quality Improvement

Could your product quality be better? What are customers saying? How does it compare to competitors? We measure how successfully your plant meets forecasts and the quality standards associated with your product line.

FoodCap specialises in improving the EQ (eating quality) and PQ (presentation quality) of your food manufacturing product. Using scientific processes we measure and drive up the overall eating quality of products. The more care and pride invested in your process, the better the product overall.

Examples include practices such as eliminating hygiene sprays from the production line and replacing them with sanitary measures that don’t affect the product’s taste and perishability.

How we work:

  • Measure product quality against forecasts, quality standards and competitors

  • Capture customer feedback and preferences

  • Identify areas for quality improvement

  • Integrate workable solutions to your production line that effect meaningful change

  • Measure new product quality against previously produced product, compare with customers’ views